A very Special Blog Hop for Elizabeth of Softpencil!!

This was supposed to post live this morning but blogger did it to me again!!

Happy Tuesday to you my Bleeps friends!!
Today is a sad day for me and my fellow DT member of Softpencil Studios because we are saying goodbye to Elizabeth's Softpencil digital images. She will close her shop August 1st, so if you would like any of her gourgeous digital images then you'd better hurry this will be your last chance!

Our Design Team coordinator Kerry have decided to hold a iSpecial Blog Hop to celebrate Elizabeth's work and to let her know that she will be miss and also her wonderful creations.

Our Special Blog Hop starts at Kerry's blog and we will end it at Softpencil blog.

Here is the order of the blog in case you get lost:
Now here's my creation for this Special Blog Hop,
I'm using "Painting Eggs with Amy" from Easter Collection
..... this is one of my favorite images from Softpencil, first because was my first images on my first project for SPS, second I love how you can mix bright color in the same images and also because the gang is all there!

You should have come here from Michelle's Blog and if you did then you are on the right track, if not then go back to Kerry's blog and start from there.

Then you will be visiting the Softpencil's

I would like to Thank you Elizabeth, for inviting me to be a part of your Design Team , for letting me created with your images.
I wish you success on your future business, health, peace of mind and lots of happiness and joy for you and your family.
I will keep in touch and looking forward for all your great news!

Thanks Bleeps for stopping by today!
Have a great Tuesday and I'll see you soon with more Creations!!


Kate said…
this is so cute Patty.

Kerry said…
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! Patty, it's a honor to work with you, you are a great DT member! Please keep in touch, hugs!!!
Trizbeth said…
Patty amigaaaa!! You have an amazing blog! How come in the world I didn´t arrive earlier? haha, me gusta mi niña, espero que nos veamos más por esta via también, te quiero mucho, besoss!
Unknown said…
Hi Patty,
Aww hun this is so cute. Love the bright colours you've used. It was a pleasure to be a part of the Softpencil journey with you.
Dawn xx
Cat said…
Love the bright colors and doily on your gorgeous card, Patty! It has been a pleasure working with you on the Softpencil DT. I hope to keep in touch with you in Blogland. Hugs