Wonderful News to share!

Hello and Welcome to my blog!
Today I would like to share some wonderful news with you....
In recent days I shared the beginning of a new challenge.

(pictures with Robin S. Bernstein the USA Embassador to DR)

and with great excitement and gratitude I share with you all, that my business Mis Creaciones by PC was select to be part of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), and initiative of the United States Embassy in DR in alliance with Fundación Innovatis and Pretty Busy Club.

I must confess that upon receiving the news I felt the cold fear that every entrepreneurs feels and the famous question and now what?  But this is the result of daring, believing and betting on myself!!

Mis Creaciones by PC, was chosen from a group of more that 500 applications, along with 35 more projects to receive business advice, mentoring and professional follow-up to make our business scalable. 

I thank God for giving me this opportunity to growth my business and myself and for showing me that dreams do come true!!

Be sure to stay close and keep in touch .... so you will be a part with me of this great opportunity!!

Vamos por más, porque lo mejor está por venir!!!

