Fred She Said Christmas Party!!

Fred She Said is having a Christmas Party Giveaway
From Wednesday Dec. 18 until Monday Dec. 23 Midnight EST.
Come see the Fred She Said DT's fabulous projects. Please leave a comment at the Fred She Said Blog for a chance to win one of 3 $10 Fred She Said gift certificates or post a link to a recent Christmas or Winter project  using Fred She Said products for a chance to win a $20 gift certificate.

Here's my project: I've been making a lot of Christmas Tags lately 
and this one is one of my favorite image from Fred She Said Pine Cone Spray

Also at the Fred She Said Facebook Page there will be an extra $10 gift certificate to giveaway. 
 All you have to do there is post a recipe ( or link to a recipe) of your favourite holiday recipe or treat :)  
All details are at the Fred She Said Blog.


Fabiola said…
adorable, tout en sobriété, dans les couleurs classiques mais avec cette touche de finition qui leur donnent tout leur charme, biz